❝ 每一本書都有它的季節。
Each book has its own seasonality.
It begins with the budding of inspiration, the soaring of dreams, the grounding of roots, and then transmits through reading until it delicately weaves into the fabric of one's life.
As we gaze at fallen leaves becoming nourishment of the soil, we experience the photosynthesis of books, nourishing our minds and souls.
Reading is like the growth of plants, while each season is a perpetual cycle of renewal and rebirth. ❞
🌳以臺灣原生植物「天料木」為主角,將書本的季節分為 ─
➮ 綠種子 —— 書也得從種子開始
The Verdure of Seeds: Every Book Starts with A Seed
➮ 光之美 —— 向光讀者的養分
The Beauty of Light: The Nourishment for Phototropic Readers
➮ 圖之森 —— 漫步書本森林的氣味
The Forest of Library: The Scent of Strolling in a Book Forest
❍ 展 期 :2024.09.01(日)─2024.09.29(日)
❍ 地 點 :臺中市立圖書館 太平坪林分館 1樓大廳 (太平區中山路一段213號)
❍ 展 期 :2024.10.01(二)─2024.11.07(四)
❍ 地 點 :臺中市立圖書館 興安分館 1樓大廳 (北屯區興安路一段162號)
❍ 展 期 :2024.11.9(六)─2024.11.28(四)
❍ 地 點 :臺中市立圖書館 李科永紀念圖書分館 1樓大廳 (南屯區龍富路五段一號)