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How do I reserve a book?
  • Reserve a book using the collection search system of Taichung Public Library:
    1. Please go to the website of Taichung Public Library and click on the shortcut button (collection search) on the right and access the collection search system.
    2. Click on the [Login] button in the upper right corner of the page and enter your account and password and click [Login].
    3. Enter keywords (ex: book names or authors) in the search bar to perform search.
    4. If the search is successful, books will then be listed on the page. Click the [Details] button on the right of the book that you want to reserve and choose a book you would like to reserve. Click the [Reserve] button and choose a library for the pick-up and click the [Confirm] button. A window showing that the reservation has been made will pop up to inform you that the reservation has been made successfully.

    Note: If you want to cancel the reservation, please go to [My Library] -> [Borrow History- Reservation] to cancel the reservation. (If the reserved book is being transported, cancellation cannot be performed. )

  • Reserve a book using the Taichung Public Library APP:
    1. Use your smartphone or tablet and download the “Taichung Public Library” APP on the Android or iOS platform.
    2. After entering the APP, please [Login] with your account and password.
    3. Click on [Collection Search] and enter the keywords (ex: book names or authors) in the search bar to perform search.
    4. If the search is successful, books will then be listed on the page. Click on the book that you want to reserve and the a page listing all collections will pop up by default. Choose one of the collections and click the [Reserve] button and choose a library for the pick-up. After clicking on [Reserve this Book], a window showing that the reservation has been made will pop up to inform you that the reservation has been made successfully.

    Note: If you want to cancel the reservation, please go to [My Library] -> [Reservation List] to cancel the reservation. (If the reserved book is being transported, cancellation cannot be performed. )

  • When the reserved book arrives at the library for pick-up, the system will send a text message and E-mail to notify the reader to pick up the book in 7 days.
UPDATED:2020/8/19 AM 11:21:00